January 30th, 2021

Information Literacy Instruction Ideas

I identify and vet credible information sources by first searching for references and if the source contains references then can the sources be traced back to the original source? If its a website, for example, verify if the site is a credible source, do the articles contain references, are they able to be traced back to the original source, and were the sources written by experts in the field? Are the links still viewable or are they missing? Were they peer reviewed? I would share those sources in the form of citations that they [patrons/others]can trace back to the original source. Librarians should conduct programs where they teach age appropriate methods in information literacy, to find valid sources and also teach age appropriate methods of distinguishing between fact and fiction. Teaching patrons of all ages how to search for information, be it the internet, library databases etc., distinguishing between fact and fiction and determining which type of source such as primary, secondary or tertiary is best for their project. Also, librarians should provide Pathfinders or some other research aids to assist patrons in finding creditable sources and save time filtering out the less reliable information.

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Comments (2)

Hi Jacqueline:

Thanks for joining our conversation. When you do that work in your library, how do the library users respond?

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I am starting my own special library in my home town. I have worked in the past in a public library environment, but the staff did not focus on information literacy. I will concentrate on information literacy as well as reading, writing and math literacy.
