February 7th, 2021

Reveal the Danger

Teaching info lit at community colleges for 15 years, we found that revealing dangerous sites, e.g. Martin Luther King hate sites, catch the attention of some. For every LibGuide we did, we listed credible sites and a path to take.

But equally, maybe even more importantly, we had to convince the faculty members, most of whom were adjuncts, to pay attention to sites used. The bibliography is of equal importance to the paper. Unless they grade based on quality of sources, all our teaching is for naught.

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Comments (2)

Comments (2)

Hi Mark:

Thanks for sharing this. What kind of response do you get from the teachers when you suggest they grade on the quality of the sources?

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Back before COVID, we were allowed access to the CMS, i.e. Blackboard, and could see the problems. Since we were laggards in adopting such system, instructional technology staff were having feedback sessions. during those we boldly went into the issues and found the faculty were receptive. Again, many of the faculty were former professionals, newly adjuncts, or were newly graduated. I think teaching faculty are more receptive when the environment is cooperative and when they receive 1:1 help.
